Afraid of clogging your sediment filter cartridge more quickly than normal, a Rusco spin-down filter turns out as a possible solution. Still, what is the secret behind this special filter? Let’s find out the answers in this article – what is a Rusco Spin-down filter?
Who Is Rusco Inc.?
Before going into details about the Rusco spin-down filter, it’s important to grasp some basic info about its manufacturer – Rusco Inc.

Rusco is a well-known manufacturer of water-sediment filtration equipment and accessories for the whole house. The brand’s filters are widely available in the United States and other countries due to their high quality and efficiency.
Our credible brand endeavors to consistently exceed the clients’ expectations in terms of product quality and service, providing the most effective water-sediment filtering solutions on the market. Currently, Rusco offers two main filter types: sediment trappers and spin-down filters (or Vu-flow filters).
What Is A Rusco Spin-Down Filter And How Does It work?
This section will solve all of your inquiries regarding Rusco spin-down filters.
What Is A Spin-Down Filter?
The spin-down filter’s main function is to capture relatively large sediments in the water streams, such as sand, rust, or grit from any source. It can handle large flow rates as well as purify extremely unclean water. This type of filter is designed to trap large blocks of sand, dirt, and debris, unlike a micron-sized sediment filter.
Thanks to the distinctive tornado effect (or spin-down action), spin-down filters can easily collect a huge amount of sand and debris in the water, making them stand out among other micron sediment filters.
- How Many Microns Should Your Water Filter Be (Micron filters)? A Foolproof Answer
- What Is a Sediment Filter? – Get Your Answer Right Here!
According to experts, spin-down filters are not only highly effective but also economically sustainable. It can significantly reduce the maintenance costs of domestic appliances, including ROs, washing machines, heating systems, and cooling.
Why Should You Select Rusco Spin Down Filter?

Many people encounter an annoying problem when using a water filter – cartridge blockage. Understanding that, Rusco has designed their special Rusco spin-down filter to trap large particles in water. Compared to other filters available on the market, the Rusco’s can capture larger chunks of debris and thereby prevent the clogging issue.
Particularly, Rusco registered a copyright for their star-rating spin-down filters, allowing them to be used in various applications. Household water systems, lawns, turfs, and even geothermal heating are examples.
A Rusco spin-filter can also increase the lifespan of household appliances by up to 35%, reducing the likelihood of replacing household appliances before their shelf life expires.
Below are some notable features of a Rusco spin-down filter:
- It possesses a Vu-Flow 1-inch screen filter equipped with its transparent cover, making it easy to clean and determine its cleaning performance.
- When the filtration process is complete, you can remove the sediment using the ball valve with ease.
- Its compact size is ideal for small spaces.
- Cleaning is not time-consuming.
- Its highest flow rate reaches up to 100 GPM.
- Its T-shaped design allows for a lot of versatility.
- It gains a maximum 150 PSI water pressure and its flow rate ranges from 1 to 25 GPM.
- Polyester screens are reusable in a variety of mesh sizes.
How Does A Rusco Spin-Down Filter Work?

The Rusco Spin-Down Filter uses centrifugal force to extract sediment from water. Its screen is enclosed in a clear cover by the Spin-Down filter, with its head designed to divert water into the chamber by circulating water through the filter housing.
During the process, water and sediment swirl at high speeds around the inside of the cover. Heavy pollutants spin out to the cover’s wall and drop out of the water flow.
Then, water passes past the screen and out the filter body’s outlet. Any light-weight particles in the water will not pass through this screen. It also explains why users need to open the valve regularly to let all of the dirt and debris out of the housing.
Specifically, the bottom valve is used for easier manual discharge of sediments. While operating, the sediment collection can be seen clearly through the glass housing.
Some Relevant Aspects

Expert View
Rusco spin-down filters perform better than average in comparison with other spin-down filters. The following are some of the most significant reasons behind this:
- Rusco’s ingenious filtering mechanism traps dirt and debris beneath its surface. This is a brilliant approach to prevent the filters from becoming clogged.
- Its flow rate can reach 100 GPM depending on the mesh utilized.
- Users can choose from a variety of sizes and filter mesh sizes depending on their own demands.
- Users don’t have to stop using domestic water to clean the sediments.
- The process of flushing and cleaning is not time-consuming and does not disrupt the water usage at home.
- Rusco spin-down filters can be flushed, which lengthens their lifespan and reduces the need for cartridge replacements over time.
- Different from other filters, those from Rusco come with a simple design, helping you easily install them to your existing system without the need for too many additional tools!
You can install a Rusco spin-down filter in the same way as other water filters used for the whole-house. The process is as simple as connecting the header of the PVC to the input and exit pipes. Feel free to use either copper or PVC tubing to carry out the installation.
You also need to prepare the following equipment for the process:
- Ground clamps
- Ground cables
- Compression coupling
- Solvent cement

To start with, apply cement around the pipe to connect it with your Rusco pipe’s header. Then, install the filter behind the pressure tank on the pressure side of the pump.
Place it in this safe place to ensure the pump is properly protected and free of any potential hazards, such as freezing, severe heat, or chemicals. It also allows you to clean the filter without affecting the pump’s prime.
Maintenance And Replacement
Despite the fact that a Rusco spin-down filter is supposed to be self-cleaning, you will need to rinse out all of the sediment it captures.
According to Rusco suppliers, you should clean and empty the waste from the spin-down filter once a week to preserve its efficiency and top flow rate.
Moreover, it would help to replace its filtration cartridge every six months to a year to keep this filter in good condition. The price of these cartridges may vary depending on their size and mesh pore size. Also, you should replace the screen if the normal flow rate is not restored.
Annual Average Cost: $25-$150
How Do You Clean A Spin-down Filter?
Of course, you will need to do some regular maintenance on your water treatment unit, just like any other gadget. The filter screen may become clogged with dirt from time to time. If the screen clogs frequently, your filter’s mesh size will be incorrect, or the water will need further filtering.
The steps for cleaning the Rusco sediment filter are quite simple and not time-consuming. Even when you flush your Rusco, there is literally no downtime!
You should remove the filter housing from the system first and continue to take out the screen. Next, open the valve slowly and allow the sediment to flush out of the filter. The following step is using a brush to scrub the screen until it gets clean. Once finished, put all the parts back together.
Frequently Asked Questions On The Rusco Spin-Down Filter
What Filter Size Will Meet My Demand?
What mesh size should I choose?
Rusco Filters Can Endure What Temperature Ranges?
Is The Plastic Part Free Of BPA? What Kind Of Plastic Is It?
Bottom Lines
This article has provided you with a thorough answer to your question – What is a Rusco spin-down filter? – and some relevant aspects. Hopefully, you now understand how important this filter is in capturing sediments and in purifying domestic water.
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